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Vista Minha Pele | Wear My Skin

Brazilian photographer Thasya Barbosa grew up believing that she should become a doctor or lawyer. 

Through her artworks she participated in national and international exhibitions such as Itaú Cultural, Drive Thru Art, Luis Maluf gallery, G. Wickbold Studio, Brazil Foundation, ApArt, The 55 Project, POSTER Mostra, Mulheres Ocupam(Nike project).

Black woman, Brazilian artist, Thásya spreads kindness, empathy, and complaint with her voice.

It's commonly known the use of medicinal plants for the spiritual and physical illness treatments.

Brazil is the most popular country with infinite biodiversity, full of several species that show medicinal properties.

The beliefs and knowledge that herbs are passed from generation to generation.

Exposição:  Galeria Luís Maluf  2020


Obra disponível Formato 60x90 

Exposição: “Tangentes” Tour Virtual obra exposta no DriveThru.Art. Galeria: Luís Maluf 

Vídeo Performance com o artista  Luiz Felipe Lucas 

The S Exhibition na galeria apArt - New York

Revista WOW Coluna Lua Leça 


Marvila na edição POSTER Mostra 2018

 © 2018. Thásya Barbosa 

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